Monday, February 23, 2009

Keeping it Pure

After a month of purity teaching, talking and praying with several people, and the fall of yet another prominent leader, I am reminded how hard it is to keep things pure in our life. It seems that everywhere we turn the world is trying to draw us in. From television, to billboards, to magazines at the checkout, to the ever-increasing load of trash on the internet, temptation abounds. We live in a world that is morally sick, and yet Jesus said we are in the world, but not of it. It's not easy to keep our lives pure when everything around us is so full of filth, but with the Lord it is possible. It may seem like we're trying to dance through a mud puddle and still come out clean but with the Lord I believe we can keep ourselves pure. It was once said that "lust is like athletes foot of the mind" but Romans 12:2 tells us that our mind can be renewed through the Word of the Lord. In other words, the Bible can scratch the itch. So the bottom line is this, the world may not honor marriage and purity, but the world isn't our standard, the Word of God is. So keep your eyes on Jesus, stay in the Word, and keep it pure in the name of Jesus.
P.S. Check out the youtube video: Doctor Love and Pastor Dan

1 comment:

g-man said...

Amen my brother!

I find I have to be on the constant state of alert; guarding what enters my eyegate. There seems to be no safe place save for the creekbed of Liberty Rocks.

I really really appreciated Pastor Christa's message this past Sunday. I especially took heed to her charge to: "Prepare our kids for the knocks they will take for being a Christian."

It made me begin to think ahead. We always have to be ahead of the curve. Thanks Y'all