Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Annual Reminder

Well today I woke up to an annual reminder that life is short and I'm another year older - yes it is my Birthday! This week we are traveling to Iowa to spend Thanksgiving with my wifes Family but we stopped in Indy last night to celebrate with my brother Dave, who's birthday is also tomorrow. No my mom didn't take 24 hours to give birth to twins. His B-day is the day after mine but we're also 14 years apart. And now you might be saying to yourself "What was his mom thinking?" But if you think that's bad I also have a sister 17 years older than me and my nearest sibling is 11 years my elder. CRAZY! But I guess it took them all those years to figure out how to get it right with me! least that's what I say? Well today may not be your birthday, but we all need to be frequently reminded about the brevity of life. Maybe your hairs not falling out like mine, but the reality is that with every breath we take we're one step closer to seeing Jesus and we all have to be ready. Birthday's are a reminder of the day we were born into this world, but the most important thing is being born again into the Kingdom of God. In the book of John Jesus talked about this and he said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). He then told Nicodemus, "Ye MUST be born again" (John 3:7).
So today the most important question isn't whether you'll make it to see another birthday. The most important question is whether you've been "born again" through a relationship with Jesus Christ and will you be ready when your time on earth is done. Whether you die, or if Jesus comes back, either way the time is coming when "Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord." My prayer is that this be a reminder to you that life is short and sweet, so if you haven't given your life to Christ and been born again, do it while you can.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

AMEN! You are right, Life is so short! I think of the many, many people that I saw die or dying when I worked for Hospice and most of them told me they "were not ready to die." I just received an email prayer request for a family whose 46 year old husband/father of three had suddenly died. WOW, that's young!Reminded me to hug my husband and family a little tighter last night. I constantly pray for the many ones that I know that are not ready to meet Jesus, Lord let me be a light!!BTW, Happy Belated BD Pastor Dan!